Celebrating Maslenitsa

Merrymaking will start at noon, but you can sample pancakes from the very opening of the store at 10 am.

Musical program will be opened by members of Chorus Juventus (headed by Ms. Olga Tokmakova, concertmaster Mr. Sergei Maryshev, guitar).

At 1 pm we will be joined by famous Vancouver balalaika player Slava Aleksandrov (also he will play guitar).

After 2 pm we will welcome group “Roma Gray” with groovy gypsy songs and dances. After that at 3 pm we will await our youngest participants – children dance group of “Roma Gray”.

During the day many known and loved artists will be joining fun – Alexander Mayer (saxophone), Olga Kolotygin (vocal), Deana Zhdanova (vocal).

We invite all who want to have fun – join us and sing and dance along!

For kids during the day we will arrange a few competitions such as the best painting on asphalt, best painting of Sun on saucer, and throwing a russian boot (valenok) at a distance!
On the day of Maslenitsa, a drawing of a store certificate is held! Take a part in the draw but do not forget to leave your phone or email. Who knows maybe you are a lucky one? The lucky ticket will be pulled out by the last customer of the day, and you will be notified of your win ASAP!

Our kitchen will be working in high gear mode! Indulge yourself with fresh baked or fried pies (Piroshkies), hot meat pockets (Chebureks), cottage cheese pasties, homemade Napoleon cakes or Georgian Khachapuri with cheese! Well, and of course – pancakes!!! Pancakes with meat or cottage cheese, with mushroom julienne, salmon or red caviar, and of course with sour cherries or boiled condensed milk….. Guys, this is Maslenitsa!

We at Euro Food Tri-City would like to THANK all people in our community, our great customers and neighbors who came and participated in the wonderful Maslenica Festival!

On February 29th we opened wide our doors and fed everyone who came to the store with pancakes.

It was a lot of pancakes… J. It is hard to tell exactly how many, because we stopped counting after 1300th pancake.

We are most grateful to our wonderful musicians and artists who made this event possible – almost twenty singers from Vancouver choir “Chorus Juventus” and its conductor Olga Tokmakova, musicians Sergei Maryshev (guitar), Slava Alexandrov (balalaika, guitar), Alex Mayer (saxophone), Gypsy band Roma Gry with soloists Olga Kolotygin, Deana Zhdanova, and of course Roma Gry children dance group led by Svetlana Kovaleva.

Sincere THANK YOU!! goes to Anna, Ivan, Svetlana, Natalia, and many others who together with our stuff flipped pancakes, to Gennadiy for helping arranging decorations and erecting gazebo, and many, many others who helped with recordings, cleaning, and arranging spaces! Of course we would like to thank all our employees who worked overtime. Hope that many more events will come in the future and for sure will see all our great customers a year from now on the next Maslenica 2021!